Its so nice to be home on a Saturday, sleeping in. I have much to do today...some study stuff, go to the store, pack an overnight bag, get ready and sing the weekend at church. In order to pack....I have to get all my stuff together for Glory of Christmas practice. First step...locate the costume. :) Hadnt seen it in a year. I finally found it under the basement steps....which I dont remember putting it there. ha. When I was doing that...I also saw a few things hiding underneath a couple black garbage bags that were familiar. I pulled both of those dusty things out...and I found some old coats. Like one from when I was a cheerleader in middle school. (It was like a Varsity coat for middle schoolers back then) I also found a coat I wore for softball season in high school, a black coat from Old Navy that I wore about 8 years ago, and a very nice green/black suede coat that I forgot I had from some years ago too. It was fun to find them....and wild to remember the things that I experienced while wearing the coats. I wont go into detail over all of them right now cause this blog will be SUPER long and I have got to get my day rolling. But it did make me think of the past a little bit. I had a great school had its challenges but it was a blast and I LOVED it. I always had great friends, played sports, sang, and really experienced a lot of great times. It truly was a huge blessing. I did everything to be involved and loved every minute of it. Finding that softball coat is a treasure. One I hope to wear again. Hey, vintage/thrift store things are cool! And it even has my name on it. Cant get better then that. :) The other couple coats were coats for my 20's. Those early years were special at the time....but the memories that fill those coats are different. It was a time of love and hurt. Tucked away in the pocket of one was something from someone pretty special to me at that didnt ache my heart like it mightve a few years ago....but it is a reminder that he was real...he wasnt just a guy that I made up in my mind. It can feel like those 4 years were a dream that I had. While I look back on it from this is something that I look back on with some hurts. Not that it hurts me now...which is awesome cause I thought I would forever. But with disappointment in it. I know it worked out the way it did for the best. I do know that. And most things like that dont end "good" or they probably wouldnt end...but it was good to look back even just for a moment and know that it was real. It was the first time something like that was real for me. I loved with my whole heart and truly enjoyed the moments I had with him. We were best friends that loved each other for that time in our lives. I pray that he is happy and healthy. Its been many years now...I wonder if he ever thinks of me? If something of me falls out of a "pocket" and for a moment....he remembers that I was real.
Its funny to find old things like coats. As a person who has always lived in Michigan...we have LOTS of coats and we wear them for so loooonnnggg that they become a part of our lives. They wrap around us and go forth into life "holding us tight and seeing us through"...haha...maybe a little dramatic but you get my point. Those coats were a part of some amazing times in my life. Hopefully a couple of them can become a part of some new memories. I wonder what my new winter coat and the coats to come will experience with me? What does the future hold for me? I guess I'll just bundle up and move ahead. Ever thankful that the
One who created me with a need to wear a coat...travels with me, guiding my steps and holding my heart in the palm of
His hand.
And He even has my name written on it. :0) He is so good.