8 hours a day...5 days a week. Who decided that? I mean who is the person or people that decided that the average person should work this much? I know not everybody has this schedule or even has a flex-day....or works more than that....but being at work this much is more time than I would like. Even a couple hours less would be great. And add to that....the challenge of getting along with people that you spend this much time with. This isnt family...most arent even your friends and you dont get to choose even who you sit by most of the time. I just have to say that it isnt easy. I had a pretty rough encounter with a friend on Tuesday...which led to a conversation about it on Wednesday. I care a lot about her so I decided to just own up to my part and apologize. We talked about that and then she started to say somethings that hurt me. Some may have been true....but not all of it. And that was tough to take. Mostly it just crushed my spirit cause she is someone I consider a good work friend. It hit me so wrong...and some of it was so out of nowhere....and all this on a day I had to lead worship. I felt awful and I felt stuck. I wanted to go home. I probably wouldve just liked to never come back to my job again...and prayed God would let me out. So I left with tears in my eyes....went to my truck and just prayed and raised my voice of frustration to God as I went to get Jordan. Called Stacey for some "help me get my head right" conversation (thanks boo)...and went to church. I changed and had time before we practiced to get my Bible out and read my portion for the day. That is when it happened.....I truly felt God speak to me about the stuff that I just left at work. Parts of both John 15 and 16 spoke to me loud and clear. It was really sweet to have my Daddy sit me down, validate how I was feeling and ever so sweetly tell me....that the world hated His Son and that it would hate me too. That Jesus did the right thing and they hated him. The world sees through different eyes....and they dont understand. He reminded me that Jesus was horribly persecuted and abused....and you will experience that too sometimes. (Obviously not near what Christ went through). And then He spoke....In this world you will have trouble....but take heart....I have overcome the world. Amazing that what the devil meant for bad....would draw me closer to the Lord. AMEN! And AMEN!!
I needed that conversation. I needed to be heard and set straight. Wow...did that help my heart be right before God and the church that night. It really is amazing to have God say seek me in my word and I will help you...and for Him to do just that. As believers, we HAVE to make time for the Word. It is more times than not....exactly what we need. Dont forsake your First Love. He is waiting for you in those Holy pages.
Have a great weekend!
I needed that conversation. I needed to be heard and set straight. Wow...did that help my heart be right before God and the church that night. It really is amazing to have God say seek me in my word and I will help you...and for Him to do just that. As believers, we HAVE to make time for the Word. It is more times than not....exactly what we need. Dont forsake your First Love. He is waiting for you in those Holy pages.
Have a great weekend!